英国宗教学作业代写 清教徒宗教


英国宗教学作业代写 清教徒宗教

The Puritan religion started in England as a reformation in efforts of purifying the church. This was based off of the ideas of Martin Luther and John Calvin as the men did not agree with the Roman Catholic church. Martin Luther believed that the teachings of the Bible was the source in which achieving salvation was made possible while John Calvin believed that God had the ultimate source of power. The Puritans that left England and came to America formed the Massachusetts Bay Colony in which they became known as the American Puritans. The main two ideas that came with the reformation was that the Bible was in supreme authority and that individuals had a direct relationship with God and this was not done through an institution or a priest. There were five main beliefs within this religion and this included absolute sovereignty, human depravity, predestination, covenant theology, and individualism. Absolute sovereignty was this idea that God has total control, and that nothing happens without his knowledge. An example of this can be seen when Reverend Samuel Parris delivered a sermon stating, “Our Lord Jesus Christ knows how many Devils there are in his church, and who they are.”[1] When looking into the bigger picture of the Puritan religion of good versus evil, it always comes back to God having power over everyone’s lives. Human depravity is based off original sin which refers to the story of Adam and Eve. Eve ate the forbidden fruit as she could not resist the serpent’s temptation, Adam would follow her actions as well. This ultimately led them to disobeying God and allowing sin to enter the world. Adam and Eve made humanity evil by default of their actions. The only way to save the integrity of human nature is to serve God and live a pure life. God gives the humans the ability to respond to him and they should be forever grateful for this. Predestination is the ability of God to determine whether humans were to be saved or elected and who was to be damned. The Puritans believed only true followers of God could be elected to go to heaven as God had knowledge of everyone’s truest intentions. Although God decides a person’s faith he does have the power to change different outcomes based off the actions of an individual, this refers to Gods forgiving nature. If a person is lured towards the Devil and commits sin, then that person was never truly a Puritan and therefore should be damned to hell. Sin was unacceptable, and the Puritans tried to live a perfect life. They often believed anything pleasurable that brought happiness was the Devil’s way of trying to lure someone and take over their soul. Covenant theology comes from the ideas of Calvinism, and it is based on the relationship between God and those who follow him.

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一、Assignment资料查阅技巧目前最常用的参考资料查阅方法是textbook+Online DataBase模式。具体的应用方法为:根据你Essay、assignment或Report的写作要求,然后在你这门课的推荐书里找到相关话题的书/chapter/article。课程相关的textbook,找到具体相关的章节/段落。还有,可以适当利用授课教师的ppt课件和lecture notes,找到和essay有关的内容。


导师的Assignment一般都有明确的题目和要求,所以assignment写作的第一步就是读题。首先要明确导师提出的题目和learning outcome。明确结构。考虑好文章要写几部分,哪些部分要详写,哪些内容可以一笔带过。例如一篇要求2500字的assignment,正文部分打算分成三部分,除去Introduction和conclusion部分必要的400-500字符,其他三部分各写700字符左右就可以了。确立论点。如果有明确的的论点,写作时候根据论点展开论述就行了。如果导师没有明确具体的learning outcome,而是给出一个理论范围要求进行分析。首先我们明确这个理论有具体的哪几个点,然后再围绕这几个点详细分析。写作。结构与论点确定以后,就可以开始写作了。写作过程要注意以下几点:文章里禁止用缩写,例如:can’t应该写成cannot;每段之间空一行,首句不空格;避免用口语词汇和表达方法;避免使用太过生僻的词语,但用词要专业;不要从句套从句,句子如果过长,就改成短句,这样意思表达更清楚 ;文章的INTRODUCTION要阐明自己的观点和立场,也就是你的THESIS STATEMENT,尽量不要在文章或段落的开头使用问句;专业知识和词汇使用要正确 ;文章字数控制在规定字数内,不得多于或少于150;举例非常重要,但是要符合论点 ;按照文章要求写,没有要求Abstract或者标题的就不用写;文章里禁止使用第一人称或第二人称,保持论证的客观性。一般来讲,assignment的结构确定了,就可以开始行文写作。这对于本土学生,可能不是很难,自己组织语言,自由发挥。而对于留学生来说,较差的英语水平难以应对稍微专业一点的assignment写作。若在写作中遇到困难,欢迎同学们主动联系我们,大家一起交流学习。


英国网络安全essay代写 路由算法


英国网络安全essay代写 路由算法

Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector (DSDV) Routing Algorithm is dependent on the possibility of the traditional Bellman-Ford Routing Algorithm with specific upgrades. Each versatile station keeps up a directing table that rundowns every single accessible destination, the quantity of jumps to achieve the destination and the sequence number allotted by the destination node. The sequence number is utilized to separate stale routes from new ones and subsequently keep away from the arrangement of circles. The stations occasionally transmit their routing tables to their prompt neighbors. A station additionally transmits its routing table if a huge change has happened in its table from the last refresh sent. In this way, the refresh is both time-driven and occasion driven. The routing table updates can be sent in two different ways: – a “full dump” or an incremental refresh. A full dump sends the full directing table to the neighbors and could traverse numerous packets though in an incremental refresh just those passages from the routing table are sent that has a metric change since the last refresh and it must fit in a packet. On the off chance that there is space in the incremental refresh packets, those passages might be incorporated whose sequence number has changed. [2] At the point when the system is moderately steady, incremental updates are sent to stay away from additional activity and full dump are generally inconsistent. In a quick evolving system, incremental packets can develop enormous so full dumps will be more incessant. Each route refresh packet, notwithstanding the directing table data, additionally contains a unique sequence number doled out by the transmitter. The route named with the most astounding (i.e. latest) sequence number is utilized. On the off chance that two routes have a similar sequence number, the route with the best metric (i.e. most limited route) is utilized. In view of the previous history, the stations gauge the settling time of routes. The stations postpone the transmission of a routing refresh by settling time in order to wipe out those updates that would happen if a superior route were discovered soon.These protocols are likewise called receptive protocols since they don’t keep up directing data or directing action at the system nodes if there is no correspondence. On the off chance that a node needs to send a packet to another node then this protocol scans for the route in an on-request way and sets up the association with the end destination to transmit and get the packet. The route disclosure often happens by flooding the route ask for packets all through the system.

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反思报告怎么写 Reflection Paper的写作风格.

正是通过Reflection Paper,您才有机会表达您的个人经验和观察,这正是为什么您学会塑造自己的思维,并将其更准确地表达为单词的原因。 说起来容易做起来难,对吧? 学生在思考Reflection Paper时面临的最大难题是,他们想知道如何开始Reflection Paper并得出强烈的结论时。 学术作家对此问题有一个答案,这是您提交出色的反思论文, 撰写论文 , 编辑论文 , 学期论文时需要考虑的所有内容。需要代写反思报告吗?

下面为您介绍 Reflection Paper的写作风格:
Keep It short
Reflection Paper应简短而准确。 请将字数保持在300到700之间,因为这是理想的长度。 与您的老师核对字数(如果有)并保持要求。

Make It Simple
请勿在文字中使用任何困难的词。 保持简单将有助于对读者产生更好的影响。 如果要提高质量,请使用过渡语句。 但是,再次避免使用复杂的句子,因为它们可能会使读者感到迷失于写作中。

Maintain a Formal Tone
尽管Reflection Paper是对事件的个人概述,但是您仍然需要在整个论文中保持正式和学术的基调。 如果您感到困惑,可以遍历Reflection Paper样本以找出应该使用的完美音调。

Use Relatable Information
在Reflection Paper中提供各种个人信息不是明智的选择。 您需要非常明智地选择要包含在文章中的细节。 请记住,您所包含的细节应该与读者相关且相关。

Review Your Paper
由于每个句子都链接到另一个句子,因此您必须在完成段落后查看文档。 建议您不要仔细阅读校对的内容,而建议您通读每一节并进行更改,然后再继续进行下一部分。

英国社会学作业代写 分析的产生


英国社会学作业代写 分析的产生

The creation and development of this analysis provided different conclusions, such us the flouting of Gricean Maxims throughout the conversation in the show, which caused the creation and introduction of the irony in the text, as a mechanism to create humour. In addition, the creation of comedy is also based on the introduction of sarcasm, that as the irony, it is a very useful resource in this kind of TV shows.There are other scholars that considered that Grice’s maxims and comedy are not able to be linked, such as Leeds, that states that Grice’s cooperative principle is not appropriated for comedy: “does not stand up to the evidence of real language use” .The result of this research is not only investigating the rupture of Grice’s maxims but discover which are the alternatives in order to create comedy in this kind of TV shows and in other comedies. The Maxim of Quality is flouted the most in the show. The Relation Maxim is flouted in many responses in the panel, creating the Script Opposition Act. The Maxim of Quantity is violated through the incongruencies of panellist’s answers. In some cases, giving more information than needed or giving less information that is required. And finally, Maxim of Manner is flouted when panellists give answers that are not appropriate or efficient.To sum up, the creation of comedy or humoristic situations sometimes depends on the violation or suppression of Grice’s Maxims, which could be substituted by the introduction of elements such as irony, sarcasm or metaphors, so it is inevitable to think that Grice’s Maxims are presented in our daily conversations or speeches, but there are not maxims that are irreplaceable or inviolable and some comical elements require of this violation or flouting Grice’s Maxims.

英国商科作业代写 自由市场


英国商科作业代写 自由市场

Monopoly market is a type of market which comprises a single seller selling a unique product in the market. In a monopoly market, seller does not face any competition, as he is the only seller of the goods with no close substitutes. For example, a pizza shop may have monopoly, although burger may be a substitutes. Monopoly market lacks the competition. Barriers to enter into monopoly market is very high. It is possible to have a monopoly in short run but it is difficult in long run due to high barriers which exists because the first and foremost reason is that single firm owns the key raw materials necessary to produce a good. We can take DeBeers as an example as it has control over most of the world’s diamond mines. Secondly, the government gives a single firm exclusive rights to produce the good. Examples patents, copyrights laws and public franchise. Third reason is the larger economies of scale that creates natural monopoly, where a single firm can supply the whole market at a lower average cost than two or more firms. Natural monopoly arises as a result of economies of scale because for natural monopoly the average total cost declines significantly as output increases giving monopolist cost advantage over potential competitors Above figure reflects that, the average total cost curve is still falling when it crosses the demand curve at point A. If only one firm produces electricity in the market where average cost intersects the demand curve, average total cost will equal $0.02 per kilowatt-hour of electricity produced. If the market is divided between two firms, each producing 10 billion kilowatt-hours, the average cost of producing electricity increases to $0.04 per kilowatt-hour as shown in point B. In this case, if one firm expands production it can decrease the average total cost curve.

英国护理学作业代写 禁用药物

特朗普总统宣布阿片类药物危机是公共卫生紧急事件,这一声明显然与前总统里根1982年10月14日的禁毒战争产生了共鸣。此外,在这些总统之前的前总统尼克松也承认,药物滥用是一个公共卫生问题。然而,在我看来,前总统巴拉克·奥巴马关于解决毒品滥用问题的策略是站得住脚的。奥巴马总统颁布的《平价医疗法案》为施虐者带来了希望。“平价医疗法案(ACA)鼓励初级保健医生将成瘾治疗纳入他们的实践。它向全国各地的数百个社区卫生中心(其中许多位于农村地区)提供了赠款,以开始或扩大精神卫生和药物辅助治疗的范围。这是一个很大的进步,以前的治疗通常是通过分散的、资金不足的独立诊所进行的。ACA提供机会和增加获得公共卫生保险的机会,并鼓励服务一体化。这对于得不到充分服务的人群来说尤其重要,因为他们面临许多获取AHS的障碍,导致在获取所需服务方面存在差异。” 。特朗普总统和他的整个政权正在与新泽西州州长克里斯·克里斯蒂(Chris Christie)一起解决毒瘾和阿片类药物滥用问题,克里斯蒂是特朗普阿片类药物委员会的主席。然而,特朗普政府概述的行动并没有确切地解决少数群体的不平等和不平等.

英国护理学作业代写 禁用药物

President Trump announced that the opioid crisis was a public health emergency and this announcement clearly resonates with Former president Ronald Regan’s war on drugs on October fourteen, 1982. Also, former President Nixon who preceded these presidents also acknowledged that drug abuse is a public health issue. However, from my standpoint of view, Former President Barack Obama’s strategy regarding drug abuse solution is what holds water. The Affordable Care Act promulgated by President Obama creates avenues for hope for abusers. “The Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages primary care doctors to incorporate addiction treatment into their practices. It provided grants to several hundred community health centres around the country, many in rural areas, to begin or expand mental health and medication-assisted treatment, which combines counselling and drugs like Suboxone. This is a big improvement from the days when treatment typically was offered through scattered, poorly funded stand-alone clinics. ACA provides opportunities and increased access to public health insurance and encourages service integration. This is particularly critical for underserved populations that face numerous barriers to accessing AHS, resulting in disparities in access to needed services” . President Trump and his entire regime are addressing the drug addiction and opioid abuse alongside New Jersey’s Gov. Chris Christie who is chairing Trump’s opioid commission. However, the actions outlined by President Trump’s administration does not exactly address the disparities and inequities of minorities

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英国电影作业代写 北方的纳努克

宜人性促亲切介绍;然而,恶意评论的出现可能会引起警惕。在纪录片中,我们希望屏幕上的社会角色应该在这个意义上自我介绍,而不是去完成电影制作人创造的角色的工作,不管记录的演示是否会影响他们如何表现自己。在大多数科幻电影中,故事情节基本上是由制片人决定的,不管是否依赖于真实场景。《这是一个真实的故事》(This is a genuine story)可以毫不费力地成为一部虚构电影的序幕,它的情节取材于可核实的场合。纪录片讲述的故事来源于有记录的世界,但它仍然是从电影制作人的角度和声音来讲述的。这种牵涉程度,不是高反差的分割。《北方的纳努克》是目前在全球各大影院上映的最主要的长篇纪录片。从那时起,纪录片就源源不断地在影院上映。这部电影上映时,好评如潮,没有人认为它是一部纪录片。它只是在一个独立于任何人的类中。不管它是什么。弗莱赫蒂拥有曾经被称为“天真无邪的眼睛”,试图寻找“所有人共有的基本真理”。《北方的纳努克》(1922),故事的主角显然是纳努克,一位勇敢的因纽特人先驱和不可思议的探索者。然而,纳努克在很大程度上是罗伯特·弗拉哈迪的发展。他的家庭单位与欧洲和美国的家庭结构比因纽特人的更接近。他的追逐策略在那部电影之前至少有30年的历史。这个故事是关于过去的生活方式的,纳努克将其概括为一项工作和角色的执行,而不是在录制季节的日常生活中自我介绍。这部电影可以标记为小说或纪录片。

英国电影作业代写 北方的纳努克

Agreeableness prompts cordial introduction; however, the presentation of a snide comment may incite guardedness. In documentaries, we anticipate that social on-screen characters should introduce themselves in this sense, not play out the job of a character of the movie producer’s creating, regardless of whether the demonstration of recording impacts how they present themselves. In most fiction films the story is basically the producer’s regardless of whether dependent on real occasions. “This is a genuine story” can without much of stretch be the prologue to a fiction film that draws from verifiable occasions for its plot. The story a documentary tells originates from the recorded world yet it is still told from the movie producer’s point of view and in the producer’s voice. This involved degree, not a high contrast division. Nanook of the North is the main full-length documentary to keep running in theatres around the world. From that point forward there has been a constant flow of documentary films appeared in theatres. At the point when the film was discharged, it got rave reviews and nobody considered it a documentary. It just appeared to be in a class independent from anyone else. Despite everything it is. Flaherty had what was once called “an innocent eye” which attempted to find “the elemental truths that all men share” He was patrician, unusual and adamant and had the eye of a painter – the qualities of numerous great movie producers. Nanook of the North (1922), the story is apparently that of Nanook, a bold Inuit pioneer and incredible seeker. Yet, Nanook is to a substantial degree Robert Flaherty’s development. His family unit matched European and American family structure more than Inuit more distant families. His chasing strategies have a place with a period about at least 30 years preceding the time that film was made. The story is of a past lifestyle that Nanook epitomises in what adds up to a job and character execution in excess of an introduction of self in regular day to day existence at the season of recording. The film could be marked either fiction or documentary.

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英国law assignment代写 儿童法案

父母的同意和法院的介入足以为孩子建立同意。如果父母同意医疗,法院应当受理,同意根据儿童法案1989章节2(7)”,不止一个人有父母的责任,孩子每个人可能单独行动,没有其他责任(或其他人)在会议;但应当采取中没有这部分,影响手术的实施需要不止一个人的同意在影响孩子”[4]这意味着父母的同意就足以建立同意要求和救援医生从他/她的责任。在Re J的情况下,已经确定,如果没有父母双方的同意,这种同意将被视为无效的[5],这意味着,如果父母代表他的同意,孩子的同意是无效的。法院参与发生在医生需要孩子的最佳利益行事的父母拒绝同意医疗,在这种情况下,孩子或其他成人宣言将有权寻求法院为了使治疗合法[6]。法院的推理的声明是法院寻求孩子的最佳利益,这将是非法拒绝治疗,医生认为这是孩子的最佳利益,这是建立在再保险C[7]决定此案,法官下令母亲的法官提供最好的治疗方法。在有关儿童的案件中,它确定,当涉及到儿童的利益时,法院总是考虑他们的最佳利益,而不是儿童的决定。这表明,不管孩子是否同意接受治疗,法院都会执行一项命令,为孩子提供建议的治疗,医生不会因为没有得到孩子的同意而承担责任。这损害了儿童作为成年人拒绝接受治疗的权利,因为法院既不考虑儿童是否同意接受治疗,也不考虑父母是否根据儿童的最大利益做出决定。即使Gillick的权限可以适用,它也不应该是有约束力的,因为法院会考虑孩子的最大利益,而不是孩子的同意。

英国law assignment代写 儿童法案

The parent’s consent and the courts involvement are enough to establish consent for a child. If parents consented to a medical treatment, the court shall accept that consent according to children act 1989 section 2 (7) “Where more than one person has parental responsibility for a child each of them may act alone and without the other (or others) in meeting that responsibility; but nothing in this Part shall be taken to affect the operation of any enactment which requires the consent of more than one person in a matter affecting the child”[4] which means that the parents’ consent will be enough to establish the consent requirement and relief the doctor from his/her liability. In the case of Re J it had been established that without both parent’s consent on the matter the consent shall be deemed ineffective[5], which implicates that children’s consent is rendered useless if the parent’s consented on his behalf. The courts involvement occurs where the doctor needs to act on the best interest of the child but one of the parents have refused to consent on the medical treatment, in that case the child or another adult will have the power to seek a declaration to the court in order to make the treatment lawful[6]. The court’s reasoning for the declaration is the court seeks the best interest of the child where it would be unlawful to refuse a treatment where the doctor believes it’s the best interest of the child, this was established in the case of Re C[7] the decision on the case was that the judge ordered the mother’s to provide the best treatment of the judge. the case of Re C it established that when it comes to the interest of the child the courts will always look at their best interest rather than the child’s decision. This establishes that doesn’t matter whether the child agrees to the medical treatment of not the courts will always enforce an order to provide a recommended treatment for the child and the doctors will not be held liable for the lack of consent. This has undermined the children’s rights to refuse a treatment as an adult, on the basis that the courts don’t look at whether the child consents on the treatment, nor parents they decide based on the best interest of the child. Even if the Gillick’s competence can be applied then it should not be binding, because the courts will look at the best interest of the child rather than the consent of the child.

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